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Nissan Frontier/Navara Owner's Manual

You can find 29 different owner's manuals for the Nissan Frontier/Navara on this page that are in the PDF format.

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An owner's manual is usually packed with guides on how to operate the car safely and how to maintain it.

If you require mechanical information (for fixing the car yourself for example) then you may need a workshop, service or repair manual instead.

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Yearly Frontier/Navara Owner's Manuals

The years available stretch from 1996 through to 2024 and to view the manual you just click the name underneath.

Nissan Frontier/Navara Image

About The Frontier/Navara

The Nissan Frontier is also sold in some regions around the world as the Navara and NP300 and is a mid-size pickup truck.

It has an impressive towing capacity and an excellent powertrain.

The Frontier owner’s manuals on this page provide information about the features of the vehicle, how to maintain it, and instructions on how to use it in emergency situations.

Starting life way back in the mid-1980s as a very workhorse-orientated pickup truck the vehicle has evolved over the last 4 decades to be a much more comfortable all-rounder.

Original Frontier’s look very much like the Toyota Hilux/Pickup that saw great success when people used a different vehicle for business than domestically.

The truck didn’t look like it does today until it took the Navara badge in 1997 where it gained a much more “rounded” appearance.

Trucks were assembled all around the world in most of the continents such as Egypt for Africa, Japan for Asia and Mexico for South America and Tennessee for North America.

Engine choices were varied too in order to help it sell in different markets and customers could choose a more sensible 2-liter gasoline through to a supercharged 3.3 liter V6.

With each evolution in the Nissan Frontier/Navara redesign the choices are reduced down to options that please many markets.

The engines on offer are now both powerful and economical with a reliable 7 speed automatic or 6-speed manual transmission to be chosen.

Underneath the Frontier is a platform shared by many other trucks in the Nissan fleet including the Pathfinder.

These modern examples of the truck can come in one of many different trims that are chosen at the point of purchase, such as:

  • Desert Runner
  • LE
  • PRO-4X
  • S
  • S/C
  • S/C Desert Runner
  • SE
  • SE Desert Runner
  • SL
  • SV
  • SVE
  • XE
  • XE Desert Runner

In 2016 Mercedes Benz released their own pickup truck the X-Class which is based on the same platform as the Frontier.