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2020 Toyota Sequoia Owner’s Manual

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2020 Toyota Sequoia Owner’s Manual Image

2020 Sequoia

Toyota Sequoia Photo

Built on the same platform as the Tundra pickup truck, the Toyota Sequoia is essentially the passenger-carrying version of that truck.

It's built in the USA and sales are focused on North and South America with several examples exported to regions such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

The Sequoia was originally brought in for the 2001 model year to take on large SUVs that were selling well in the USA such as the Ford Expedition.

Nowadays the SUV doesn't sell anywhere as well as it did back before the financial crisis that occurred in 2008, selling roughly 15% as many per year.

This 2020 model is the first to have the TRD Pro package option available to it with improved off-road capabilities and mobile device connectivity.

In the year before, the Sequoia was given new LED headlights as standard with three new metallic colors for the outside.

Inside the owner's manual, you can find a full list of the features included as standard or in premium trims for the 2020 model year version.

Alongside these are guides on how to maintain and service your Toyota Sequoia in order to keep it safe and retaining its value effectively.