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2022 Opel/Vauxhall Mokka Owner’s Manual

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2022 Opel/Vauxhall Mokka Owner’s Manual Image

2022 Mokka

Opel/Vauxhall Mokka Photo

The Opel/Vauxhall Mokka was the first subcompact crossover for the European/British automakers.

You can find the Opel branded version on sale in mainland Europe and the Vauxhall version primarily in the UK.

It first appeared in 2012 when General Motors wanted to enter this new segment of the auto market with one model across the major continents.

What they did was create this car as well as the Chevrolet Trax for the USA and the Buick Encore to market in the USA and China (where most Buicks are now sold).

They all share the same mechanics and have slightly different bodies on them to differentiate the models.

Inside of the cars, they have varying levels of luxury and features to help them sell in their target markets.

Underneath all of these 2022 versions of the cars is the PSA CMP platform that also underpins the Opel Corsa and the Citroen C4.

This 2022 Mokka is an example of the recently introduced second-generation design that came into production in 2020.

An all-electric version of the car is also available for this model year that is marketed as the Mokka-e.

All of the various drivetrains are covered in the official owner's manual, a copy of which is stored on this site.

You can easily access this manual PDF using any device or browser that supports this document type free of charge.